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Q & A
We’ve put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about the DM Rnt2Buy Homeownership Program. If you have a question you can't find an answer for please Contact Us.
Davas Management Inc. or its partners will purchase the home that YOU choose, and you will be given the exclusive right to purchase the home at the end of the agreed-upon term. Throughout this period, we work hard with you to help you save for your down payment and improve your credit score. At the end of the term, you will be in a position to qualify for a mortgage through traditional lending institutions and the property title will transfer into your name. We are obligated to sell the home to you at the end of the term at a pre-determined price and 100% of the Initial Option Consideration along with the Monthly Consideration is credited towards the purchase price of the home as down payment.
We have properties that are considered readily marketable residential dwellings that are located in a market with demonstrated ongoing re-sale demand, to help you choose a property that will provide you with a sound investment. Whether you need schools nearby or access to public transit, if any of our properties meet your needs our Realtors will help you choose the home that fits your lifestyle and budget best.